Evaluate existing initiatives according to a scientific approach and produce knowledge on the socio-economic and agroenvironmental impacts of agroecological initiatives, as well as on the factors of success of these initiatives.


A methodology for assessing the multidimensional impacts (social, economic and environmental) of the selected agroecological initiatives and the conditions that have allowed these benefits to emerge is developed and available to development operators. The results of the evaluation of 14 initiatives (2 in each of the 7 countries) allow a better understanding of the effects and conditions of success of these initiatives.
Building on existing related and relevant methodologies, including those of FAO (TAPE tools) and GTAE (Memento for the Assessment of Agroecology), the activities of component 2 will be carried out by a Scientific Consortium led by IRD, composed of CIRAD and Montpellier SupAgro, and involving research institutions and scientific partners from the 7 countries.

The research work is based on a prototyping approach to evaluation. The aim is to put into circulation a prototype to be adapted, transformed, in situations of use with local actors. The participatory approach in the construction of the tool and the transformations of the tool thus act as a revelation of the stakes of the evaluation and the expectations of the co-designers. A PhD work and the work of 2 trainees per country are at the service of the project and this research dynamic.




Élaboration et facilitation d’une communauté de pratiques en agroécologie dans chaque pays.


Identification et caractérisation d’initiatives existantes contribuant à la transition agroécologique des territoires dans les zones arides des 7 pays du projet.


Incrémentation du Centre de ressources sur la Lutte Contre la Désertification (LCD) du CARI et de la Plateforme de Connaissance Globale (GKP) de la FAO.


Organisation de rencontres d’échanges d’expériences entre accompagnateurs et praticiens de la transition agroécologique (national et international).



Design of AVACLIM's evaluation approach presented at an international scientific symposium bringing together consortium members, country partners and researchers specialized in the field of ad'hoc agroecology.


Field testing of the assessment tool and data collection on the multidimensional impacts of agroecology, thus assessing 14 agroecological initiatives and 7 different countries


Discussion of these results in country workshops and an international workshop.


Production of ergonomic tools for the reuse of the method for post-project sustainability.


Tiphaine Chevallier et Jean-Luc Chotte
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France
Responsible Component 2

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