Create and strengthen partnerships for sharing experiences and building the capacity of agroecological actors at the territorial and local levels.


Knowledge on agroecological practices and techniques is taken up and adopted by agroecological practitioners in drylands in order to sustainably increase productivity, support livelihoods, address climate change and environmental degradation.
The basic methodologies that will be applied to achieve this will be peer learning among the actors who have been accompanying and implementing the agroecological transition for a long time.

Peer learning events will be organized and supported by the development of specific learning materials according to the needs of the actors themselves. The component will seek to highlight long-standing initiatives carried out by a diversity of actors and to illustrate the social, environmental and/or economic impacts at the local level




Élaboration et facilitation d’une communauté de pratiques en agroécologie dans chaque pays.


Identification et caractérisation d’initiatives existantes contribuant à la transition agroécologique des territoires dans les zones arides des 7 pays du projet.


Incrémentation du Centre de ressources sur la Lutte Contre la Désertification (LCD) du CARI et de la Plateforme de Connaissance Globale (GKP) de la FAO.


Organisation de rencontres d’échanges d’expériences entre accompagnateurs et praticiens de la transition agroécologique (national et international).



Development and facilitation of a community of practice in agroecology in each country.


Identification and characterization of existing initiatives contributing to the agroecological transition of territories in the drylands of the 7 project countries.
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Incrementing the CARI Resource Centre on Combating Desertification (LCD) and the FAO Global Knowledge Platform (GKP).


Organisation of meetings for the exchange of experiences between coaches and practitioners of agroecological transition (national and international).


Noel Oettle
Environmental Monitoring Group (EMG), South Africa
Responsible Component 1

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