Avaclim project's inception workshop

August 7, 2020

The Avaclim project's inception workshop took place from 20 to 22 January 2020. About thirty partners met to launch this project.


CARI has taken a major step forward with this workshop to launch the Avaclim project. This project has been carried by CARI for years and is finally coming to fruition at the beginning of 2020. Around thirty partners from the seven countries involved (South Africa, Ethiopia, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Senegal, India and Brazil) are meeting near St Martin de Londres, north of Montpellier, to organise the launch of the Avaclim project.

Avaclim, financed by the FFEM (French Global Environment Facility), the GEF (Global Environment Facility) and its implementing agency FAO, aims to carry out in three years a survey and scientific evaluation of agro-ecological initiatives carried out in the seven partner countries. The scientific validation of the socio-economic impact of agroecology and its role in adaptation to climate change will serve as a basis for convincing, during the second phase of the project, national and international political bodies to include agroecology in their agricultural development strategies.


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